
Snap announces Spectacles 3 with dual-HD cameras to create 3D effects

One factor that differentiates Snapchat from other similar social networks is the visitor's physical hardware, specifically Spectacles.

Snap has appear the 3rd-generation of its camera-enabled glasses that feature an improved design and the addition of dual HD cameras 'to capture the globe in 3D.'

Snap says that Spectacles 3 are a limited edition product set to ship this fall with merely a small number of the glasses produced

The chief difference between this version of Spectacles and previous iterations of the spectacles is that it features 2 cameras embedded on either side of the front of the glasses. Too, you tin can upload directly to Snapchat, add together several 3D effects and make 3D photos that allow yous to create GIFs.

Snap CEO Evan Spiegel said "The goal with the first version was just getting people comfortable wearing a photographic camera on their faces," in a contempo interview with Vogue. With the new glasses, users will be able to insert augmented-reality lenses into 3D videos via the app, according to Spiegel.

Farther, in the future Spectacles will be able to turn people's faces into a puppy, bring Bitmoji to life and deliver other smartphone functions directly to your eyes. The ultimate goal, says Spiegel, is "Computing overlaid on the world."

Other Spectacles iii specs include iv microphones, 4GB of internal storage capable of storing 100 videos (filmed at 60 frames per second with a resolution of 1216 x 1216) or 1200 photos (resolution of 1642 x 1642).

The glasses come in 2 models, Carbon (blackness) and Mineral (light pink), and retail in Canada for $500 CAD. Snaps Spectacles 3 are available to pre-order now and will release this fall.

Snap stated that information technology has 203 million daily users that capture and share 3.5 billion Snaps daily.

Source: Snap


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